Email your MP

Dear Party Leaders: I won't let you forget about young people facing homelessness. It's time to take action. Signed:

Young person sat in front of grafitti wall looking directly at camera

Fact: The number of young people facing homelessness is rising rapidly every single year. But in the last General Election, youth homelessness was mentioned just once in party manifestos

Nowhere to turn. No family to lean on. No chance for a better beginning. Silence from politicians could cost young people facing homelessness their futures.

This General Election, we have a rare opportunity to get leaders of all parties to focus on this mounting crisis and properly support young people at risk of homelessness - but they won’t listen unless we grow a movement so big they have to listen to our calls for change. Are you in?

Join us to send a clear message to Rishi Sunak, Keir Starmer and Ed Davey: don’t forget about a whole generation of young people who need your commitment - pledge to provide more support in your manifestos now.

I demand party leaders prioritise young people facing homelessness

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Charity No. 292411.

<first name>, thanks so much for adding your name to demand more support for young people facing homelessness.

We’re curious - what made you decide to add your name today?

That's really helpful to know, thanks. Next question:

Do you believe that if we all work together, we can get politicians to give homeless young people the support they urgently need?

Thanks for signing, <first name>.

Will you ask your local MP to stand up for homeless young people?

We can turn the tide on youth homelessness – but only if the government commits to investing in a full youth homelessness strategy. By emailing your MP, you can help us reach politicians and ask them to come up with a real plan to support vulnerable young people:

Email your MP now - it takes just 2 minutes:

Finally, will you share now to double your impact?

Every person who adds their name makes our movement to end youth homelessness more powerful. Can you help show just how many people want more support for young people facing homelessness?

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Thanks for being part of our campaign calling for more support for young people facing homelessness.

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To learn more about Centrepoint and the vital work you’re supporting to end youth homelessness, follow us on social media.